Provide Power Free Of Fossil Fuels Or Casting A Strain On The Power Grid With The Alternative Energy Source: "JAM"

"JAM" is an alternative source for energy via a wind and vacuum operated generator system.

JAM is an alternative source for energy via a wind and vacuum operated generator system and it seeks to provide power free of fossil fuels and a strain on the power grid. It offers an environmentally friendly, cost-effective form of energy creation for broader consumer and commercial use. Jam can also run on its own power and can be put into toys like planes, cars, home appliances, etc. It is like a windmill but instead one uses a vacuum. A rechargeable battery is able to store the energy when giving the machine time to rest.

The JAM generator is essentially rectangular in shape and comes in a variety of sizes depending upon the power needs of the consumer. The rechargeable battery source powers the incorporated vacuum motor and the energy exerted by the vacuum motor powers a series of fans which work in a manner similar to a windmill. This action converts AC into DC current and stores it within a charge tank. Future applications of the JAM aim to power automobiles and even airplanes. Televised test marketing has been completed indicating exceptional consumer interest in JAM.

ThePatent Pending JAM was invented by Juarez Monegain of Plano, ILwho said, “What makes Jam even greater is the fact that it releases no exhaust gases or emissions into the atmosphere, so it produces no air pollution. It runs on its own power and can be used wherever needed.”

For More Information, Click HERE

EDITOR’S NOTE: Development of this product is being handled by Invents Company. For more information about licensing or sale, contact the Licensing Department at Invents Company, 450 7th Avenue, Suite #1107 New York, NY 10123. Tel: 212-620-2629

INVENTS Company — 450 7th Avenue, Suite #1107 — New York, NY 10123

Contact: Jeanne Nelson   Media Dept: 8062   Tel: (212) 620-2629
