"The Jewelry Phone Chargers": A Specially Designed Portable Charger

"The Jewelry Phone Chargers" provide stylish, fashionable pieces with continued communication.

With the continuing improvement in technology and our growing dependence on smartphones, there is always a constant need to be plugged in and full charged instead of having to lug around annoying wires and constantly having to seek out plugs the new Jewelry Phone Chargers allows one to be discreetly plugged in while at the same time being complimented on this fashionable costume jewelry piece. The specially designed portable chargers for cellular phones are cleverly concealed within this special and stylish jewelry. The design intent is to provide consumers with a more convenient and appealing means of keeping their cell phones charged in any possible situation.

The Jewelry Phone Charger is an entire line of portable phone chargers, incorporated into the design of wearable jewelry. The cord of the charger is concealed within the chain or cord of the design and the charger itself discreetly hidden within a decorative bauble. Other versions of the Jewelry Phone Chargers will feature one for use in plugging the unit into a vehicle outlet or contain a rechargeable battery pack that does not require an outside power source. Televised test marketing has recently been completed indicating exceptional consumer interest in the Jewelry Phone Chargers.

The Patent Pending Jewelry Phone Chargers were invented by Krista Wardell of San Francisco, CA who said, “Sometimes there is more to beauty then meets the eye and this is truly the case with my Jewelry Phone Chargers. They consist of functional (and fashionable) jewelry pieces that disguise the charger cord. My interest in fashion design along with the need to keep a phone charger accessible is how the Jewelry Phone Charger was born.”

For More Information, Click HERE

EDITOR’S NOTE: Development of this product is being handled by Invents Company. For more information about licensing or sale, contact the Licensing Department at Invents Company, 450 7th Avenue, Suite #1107 New York, NY 10123. Tel: 212-620-2629

INVENTS Company — 450 7th Avenue, Suite #1107 — New York, NY 10123 www.invents.com

Contact: Jeanne Nelson   Media Dept: 8703   Tel: (212) 620-2629   Jeanne@invents.com
